bilitur affiliate marketing

1- Become a member of the site first. Please note that your chosen password must be a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers


2- Log in to your user profile.

3- After entering your personal panel, you have access to all activities and incomes can be displayed. Get your referral link from the marketing department. Publish it on social networks and introduce it to your friends. This link enters our site, your customer is known and in case of purchase, a commission will be considered for you.


Additional explanation
If someone enters our website through your dedicated link, the IP of this user will be stored in the system as your customer, and from the moment of arrival up to 15 days, if any purchase is made by this customer, the relevant commission will be considered for you. And all the information of this process will be visible in the top panel of the page.

Also, with each new user membership, your link will add some credit to your account for the introduction.
Your commissions will be paid monthly to the bank account introduced in the system.

*** Please note that after joining the site, save your banking information in the system so that you can earn money from all marketing methods and deposits will be made for you in a timely manner ***